Aug 16

Medical travel for major dental work, plastic surgery and other medical care continues to be in the news in the United States. On Friday evening, I was interviewed about the subject on the Your Time with Kim syndicated talk radio program.

You can listen to it here:

Kim Iverson — Jeff Schult interview on medical tourism

(Link fixed, Feb. 2015)

5 Responses to “Your Time with Kim: Radio Interview on Medical Tourism”

  1. More than 40 countries have recognized as improving medical tourism as the inhabitant industry. Major reasons which have led to the increase recognition of recovering transport exemplify the tall price of medical care, stretched wait for times for sure procedures, the simple reason as great as affordability of common travel, as great as improvements in both record as great as standards of caring in most countries.

  2. Great interview and very useful for people who are thinking of traveling to seek medical procedures abroad. Indeed, medical tourism is fast becoming a trend that is widely accepted because the rising development in the medical industry in third world countries.

  3. Great interview. Very helpful for people looking to travel abroad for medical travel. I maintain a blog which discusses the medical tourism industry — as well as general health and wellness content — as it pertains to Mexico and the world. I featured Beauty from Afar in one of my posts, please take a look! I’m also on Twitter @MedTravelMexico. Thanks and have a great day!

  4. Rocky Hudson says:

    It’s amazing how you have explained plastic surgery through this interview, it’ll be lot easier for people to understand how easy these things are and I think they will agree to be good looking is lot more easier than previous days. I’m recommending this post on my facebook page for sure, thanks a lot.

    (Editor’s Note: Yeah, uh-huh, thanks, Mr. “Rocky Hudson”, spammer for plastic surgery of Chicago site …)

  5. I would be very interested to listen to this talk, but the link that you provided is a dead-link. It just redirects to all of the blog posts.

    (Editor’s Note: Thanks, the link had apparently changed. It’s fixed. 🙂 )

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